6 tips to improve walks with your dog

6 tips to improve walks with your dog
6 tips to improve walks with your dog (Freepik)

Is your dog reactive during walks? Walking with an excitable dog can be a real challenge for many owners. Situations that seem simple, like walking through the neighborhood, can become stressful, and even with the use of good leashes and training sessions, many still find it difficult to relax and enjoy the moment.

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To help in this situation, trainer Carolyn Martell offers six practical tips that can make walks with a reactive dog calmer and more enjoyable, facilitating daily management while working on behavior. Check it out:

Avoid neighborhood walks

Walking in the neighborhood can expose your dog to many triggers, and the distance to get away from them is often limited. If possible, opt for other locations.

Steer clear of narrow trails

Locations with narrow paths make it harder to control encounters with cyclists, runners, or other dogs. Prefer wider spaces.

Choose open and quiet spaces

Places like parks, beaches, and fields offer more space and visibility, making it easier to evade unexpected triggers.

Bring rewards

Always be prepared with treats or toys to distract or reward your dog if they encounter a trigger during the walk.

Stay alert

Keep an eye on your surroundings to identify potential triggers before your dog does and act in time to prevent reactions.

Have an escape route

Plan a quick exit in case of surprises, like another dog running towards you. Being prepared makes the reaction easier.

Source: PetsRadar | Photo: Freepik | This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team

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